Safety Goggles – How to Prioritise Health and Safety Without Losing the Fun

When planning corporate or large scale events it’s important to consider both health and safety elements. These may not be what is first and foremost on your mind, however, it’s important to keep them in your mind so that you and your employees are safe. Keeping employees and attendees safe is vital to a successful event. The sooner you take all of this into consideration the sooner you can plan a successful event.

Quality Suppliers

Always keep safety in mind, especially when selecting the suppliers for the event. You’ll want to remember that safety and quality goes hand in hand. Choose suppliers, such as Little Monsters, who have the right certification to ensure that you’ll only have reliable products. All event entertainment equipment should be tested on a regular basis by Register of Play Inspectors International. This way, everyone can be confident that all of the events are safe and that only reliable equipment are going to be utilised.

Reliable Equipment

Never trust a brochure or website without investigating to ensure that all of their products and equipment are tested and certified. Keep in mind that you should be able to find their certifications easily and always do the right research. Inflatables should always be inspected and conform to all of the industry standards. Each item should be issued with certifications that ensure the safety of the product. Health and Safety Executive or HSE should offer you plenty of peace of mind as you work toward the goal of a safe and fun event.

Electrical Safety

Electricity is often taken for granted, its safety isn’t always checked. A failed electrical system can be a huge disaster for any event. Lack of electrical safety can be a major issue. You want your event to be something that everyone glides through with no serious issues. All of the electrical equipment should be PAT tested to ensure safety and all electrical compliance. It should conform to all of the Portable Appliance Testing guidelines that are set forth from the HSE. This way, you’ll be assured of a quality, fun and safe event.

Risk Assessment

Never leave the risk assessment to the last minute. Focus on your risk assessment as you go and make sure that you check each step of the way. Give yourself plenty of time to alter your plans or your layout to ensure that you’ll be able to save the event should anything go awry during the process. All inflatable equipment, as well as entertainment products, must carry public liability insurance and risk assessments for each and every piece of equipment must be carried out so you can rest assured that all will be well.

Trained Staff

All staff should be part of the risk assessment. You’ll want to make sure that there are plenty of available staffing that knows how to safely use the product. You’ll want to build a team that has been taught proper care of all of the equipment as well as how to properly utilise the equipment. You’ll need clear communication and you’ll have to ensure that everyone understands what their responsibility is. All staff should be trained in safety features and procedures. Having staff who have passed their RPII at all supervisory levels will ensure that the inflatables are safe and fun for all of the attendees.

Obviously, the secret to a successful event is for everyone to understand their role and safety procedures. The more planning you do and the more education you do for your staff, the safer and more smoothly the event is going to run. Make sure that all staff attend all of the training procedures and are certified in the process. Double check every detail and focus on the end result. Remember, the better planned an event is, the more likely it is going to be successful. Pre-plan, take the time to learn and certify and focus on the end result and you’ll have a wonderful event.